Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.
2 Nephi 31:20

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

{more chaos} We interrupt this blog...

Photo of the Day has been replaced with Miracle of the Day for Day 13.

Two miracles happened today that I wanted to share.
#1 Rob's sister had a beautiful, health baby boy born on his grandmother's birthday. Yeah! We love more cousins.
#2 Monday I went to pull out my debit card only to find that it wasn't in my purse--anywhere.  I thought it was in my pants pocket or something and wasn't too worried.  Until Tuesday when I was heading to Costco--debit-only-option store. I realized my debit card was not anywhere in my house, and then I remembered getting gas on Saturday and it was a card reader where you had to leave your card in the reader (not a quick slide). I didn't recall putting the card back into my wallet--PANIC! I have had my purse stolen and purchases made using my debit/credit cards before, so I'm not new or naive to this perilous situation.  
Of course I realize this as I am leaving to pick up Buddy from preschool--so I hurry and call Rob and he verifies nothing has been charged to the card (relief) and tells me the name of the gas station where I purchased on Saturday.  So, while I'm driving to preschool, I call Goog411 (466-4411) and am connected with the gas station where I learn THEY HAVE MY CARD!  Seriously.  Very late (too late) on a Saturday night someone was kind enough to turn in my debit card.  I quickly got my card back with no other annoyance.  MIRACLE! I am thankful for small, significant miracles in my life :)

BTW, if you haven't tried Goog411 before, you should really check it out.  We use it all the time, especially while driving.  You dial GOOG-411 (446-4411) and a recorded voice says, "What city and state." After you give this info, it is repeated, then you state the business, etc you want and you can be connected, find out more info, etc.  It is so awesome and it is FREE!  You can't beat that!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info about GOOG 411.
    By the way I just tagged you on my blog.
