I was inspired by my fabulous SIL Shaylah to post a picture a day for 30 days. Doesn't that sound fun? I thought so. My only problem? Choosing only ONE picture. So for today's post there are two:
Me: "Squiggle, you need a tissue. Oh no, we're out of tissues."
Buddy: "Tissues are gone?! Tissues are gone?!" running into the kitchen, "Can I have the tissue box?"
Me: "Sure"
Buddy: "Can I have this container also?"
Me: "Of course"
I had forgotten Buddy had asked my about 2 months ago if he could have the tissue box as soon as it was empty. He is often heard to say, "Garbage? Can I have it?". He is a pro at repurposing trash. This tissue box became a boat & the container a diving board. It was also fitted with an anchor (metal piece of trash found earlier in the week).
Yay! I'm so glad you joined the fun, adn don't worry...I have the same problem. I guess as long as we get AT LEAST one we are good, right?